понедельник, 24 января 2011 г.

Woman suffers stroke after amorous partner gives her a love bite | Mail Online

Doctors reported a woman developed a blood clot as a result of receiving a hickey. This then led to a stroke (posed by models)

Doctors reported a woman developed a blood clot as a result of receiving a hickey. This then led to a stroke (posed by models)

It's well-known to anyone in a relationship that love can hurt - but one woman was left partially paralysed after a romantic encounter went wrong.

In the first reported case of its kind, the 44-year-old from New Zealand suffered a stroke after her amorous partner gave her a love bite.

She was driven to hospital in Auckland, New Zealand after she experienced loss of movement in her left arm after an amorous encounter.

Doctors suspected she had had a small stroke - but could not find any obvious cause.

Then they noticed a fading bruise on the right side of her neck - a love bite, also known as a hickey.

Underneaththe bruise they found the cause of the stroke - damage to a major artery, where a blood clot had formed after the suction of the love bite.

The clot had then travelled to the woman's heart, causing the stroke. She then noticed the problem while she was sitting watching television.


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