вторник, 18 января 2011 г.

Mother's bone marrow could cure her unborn baby of genetic diseases | Mail Online

The new technique could cure babies of genetic diseases before they are born

The new technique could cure babies of genetic diseases before they are born

A 'miracle' stem cell cure that treats potentially deadly blood diseases in babies while they are still in the womb has been developed by scientists.

In tests, researchers took bone marrow cells from a pregnant mother and injected them into the developing foetus.

The donor cells were accepted by the foetus's growing immune system without the need for any drugs.

The experiment - carried out on animals - is the first time that scientists have been able to successfully transplant a mother's stem cells into her offspring before birth.

The technique could one day be used to treat a range of genetic diseases which affect thousands of Britons - including sickle cell anaemia or 'bubble boy disease', the immune system disorder that leaves babies vulnerable to normally harmless infections.

Dr Tippi MacKenzie, who led the study at the University of California, San Francisco, said: 'This research is really exciting because it offers us a straightforward, elegant solution that makes foetal stem cell transplantation a reachable goal.

'We now, for the first time, have a viable strategy for treating congenital stem cell disorders before birth.'

Stem cell transplants into unborn babies have long been a Holy Grail for doctors. It involves taking healthy cells from the bone marrow of a donor and injecting them into an unborn baby using ultrasound-guided injections.

If successful, the implanted cells replenish the baby's supply of blood-forming cells.

Many genetic diseases can be diagnosed in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Doctors say developing babies are ideal candidates for transplants because the risk of rejection is low and because they are less likely to need long term drugs to suppress their immune systems.

However, most past attempts to transplant blood stem cells into a child in the womb have failed.

The new study - which appears in the Journal of Clinical Investigation - found that a mother's immune response prevents foetuses from accepting donor blood stem cells.

Up to 10 per cent of the foetus' blood cells came from the mother, it showed.

When the researchers transplanted stem cells from the mother, the foetus accepted them.

'As long as the transplanted stem cells are matched to the mother, it does not seem to matter if they are matched to the fetus,' said co-author Dr Amar Nijagal.

'Transplanting stem cells harvested from the mother makes sense because the mother and her developing fetus are pre-wired to tolerate each other.'

The researchers now plan to see if the transplanted stem cells work in babies.

Bubble boy disease, or severe combined immune deficiency, is one of the most severe disorders of the immune system.

Babies born with Scid lack vital immune system cells in their blood. Unless they get a bone marrow or stem cell transplant, most will die before their second birthday.

Some forms of Scid run in families. The condition can be diagnosed from a DNA sample from an unborn baby. Around 30 babies are born with Scid each year.

Sickle cell disease is a genetic disorder which leads to faulty red blood cells. Symptoms include anaemia, gallstones, jaundice and organ damage.

Around 6,000 adults and children in the UK have the disease, which is most common in people of African and Caribbean descent.


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