вторник, 11 января 2011 г.

Down's syndrome blood check could end invasive test | Mail Online

The new test is highly accurate as it tests the mother's DNA to predict if the baby will have Down's syndrome (pictured posed by models)

The new test is highly accurate as it tests the mother's DNA to predict if the baby will have Down's syndrome (pictured posed by models)

A blood test to check for Down’s syndrome could almost eliminate the need for invasive procedures, says a study today.

The highly accurate test looks at the DNA of the pregnant woman to predict whether she is carrying a baby with the syndrome.

People with Down’s have three copies of chromosome number 21 rather than the usual two.

Current testing on the NHS combines a blood test to check levels of some proteins and hormones with a scan to measure the space between the spine and the nape of the baby’s neck.

Babies with Down’s syndrome tend to have more fluid collecting in the neck than those developing normally.

The‘false positive’ rate of these tests is around 5 per cent, meaning one in 20 will be told they are carrying a Down’s baby when they are not.

These pregnant women are then offered the option of further, invasive tests including amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling, which have about a 1 per cent risk of miscarriage.

If these women were given the DNA blood test instead, almost all invasive procedures could be avoided, according to experts from Hong Kong, writing in the British Medical Journal. 

They said:‘If we took into consideration the results of the sequencing test, trisomy 21 (Down’s) could be ruled out in 98 per cent of those pregnancies.This would leave just 0.1 per cent of all pregnant women needing referrals for amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling.’

The experts used DNA technology to test blood samples from 753 high-risk pregnant women in Hong Kong, the UK and the Netherlands. Some 86 were found to be carrying a foetus with Down’s syndrome.

The test was highly accurate in detecting Down’s and did not miss any cases. The test, which is not yet available on a large-scale, is more expensive than conventional testing.

The number of babies diagnosed with Down’s syndrome has risen sharply in the past 20 or more years– largely due to women delaying motherhood, other research has shown.


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